Search Results For rack-type-dishwasher
19 results found for search of rack-type-dishwasher
Hobart Rack Two Tank Type Dish Washing Machine - CS-E-A-10 L/R
Two Tank Automatic Rack Type Dishwasher,500X500 MM - 150 baskets /hour –2700 plates/hour, Pre-wash + wash+ Dual rinse system - Single speed main switch – Emergency off
Hobart Rack Type Dish Washing Machine With Dryer - CS-E-A-20 R/L
Two Tank Automatic Rack Type Dishwasher,500X500 MM - 150 baskets /hour –2700 plates/hour, Pre-wash + wash+ Dual rinse system - Single speed main switch – Emergency off
Hobart Two Tank Rack Type Dish Washing Machine With Dryer - CS-E-A-11 L/R
Two Tank Automatic Rack Type Dishwasher,500X500 MM - 150 baskets /hour –2700 plates/hour, Pre-wash + wash+ Dual rinse system + Dryer - Single speed main switch – Emergency off - Insulated Cover - Heat recovery
Hobart Two Tank Rack Type Dish Washing Machine With Dryer - CS-E-A-21 R/L
Two Tank Automatic Rack Type Dishwasher,500X500 MM - 150 baskets /hour –2700 plates/hour, Pre-wash + wash+ Dual rinse system + Dryer - Single speed main switch – Emergency off - Insulated Cover - Heat recovery
Hobart Two Tank Rack Type Dish Washing Machine With Dryer - CS-E-A-12 L/R
Two Tank Automatic Rack Type Dishwasher,500X500 MM - 150 baskets /hour –2700 plates/hour, Pre-wash + wash+ Dual rinse system + Dryer - Single speed main switch – Emergency off - Insulated Cover - Heat recovery - Seperate tank fill
Hobart Two Tank Rack Type Dish Washing Machine With Dryer - CS-E-A-22 R/L
Two Tank Automatic Rack Type Dishwasher,500X500 MM - 150 baskets /hour –2700 plates/hour, Pre-wash + wash+ Dual rinse system + Dryer - Single speed main switch – Emergency off - Insulated Cover - Heat recovery - Seperate tank fill
Hobart Two Tank Rack Type Dish Washing Machine With Dryer - CS-E-A-13 L/R
Two Tank Automatic Rack Type Dishwasher,500X500 MM - 150 baskets /hour –2700 plates/hour, Pre-wash + wash+ Dual rinse system + Dryer - Single speed main switch – Emergency off - Insulated Cover - Heat recovery - Seperate tank fill - Exhaust hood with ventilator
Hobart Two Tank Rack Type Dish Washing Machine With Dryer - CS-E-A-23 R/L
Two Tank Automatic Rack Type Dishwasher,500X500 MM - 150 baskets /hour –2700 plates/hour, Pre-wash + wash+ Dual rinse system + Dryer - Single speed main switch – Emergency off - Insulated Cover - Heat recovery - Seperate tank fill - Exhaust hood with ventilator
Hobart Rack Type Dish Washing Machine - CN-A
Rack Type Dishwasher,500X500 MM - 120 baskets /hour –2160 plates/hour, Pre-wash + wash+ Dual rinse system - Two Speeds main switch – Emergency off - Insulated Cover - Removable dust collection space - Exhaust hood with ventilator
Hobart Rack Type Dish Washing Machine - CN-E-A
Hobart Rack Type Dishwasher,500X500 MM - 150 baskets /hour –2700 plates/hour, with ekonomy Pre-wash + wash+ Dual rinse system - Two Speeds main switch – Emergency off - Insulated Cover - Removable dust collection space - Exhaust hood with ventilator
Hobart Rack Type Dish Washing Machine - CN-L-A
Hobart Rack Type Dishwasher,500X500 MM - 180 baskets /hour –3240 plates/hour, with ekonomy Pre-wash + wash+ Dual rinse system - Two Speeds main switch – Emergency off - Insulated Cover - Removable dust collection space - Exhaust hood with ventilator
Hobart Rack Type Dish Washing Machine - CN-S-A
Hobart Rack Type Dishwasher,500X500 MM - 220 baskets /hour –3960 plates/hour, hp S Pre-wash + wash+ Dual rinse system - Two Speeds main switch – Emergency off - Insulated Cover - Removable dust collection space - Exhaust hood with ventilator
Hobart Rack Type Dish Washing Machine - CN-E-S-A
Hobart Rack Type Dishwasher,500X500 MM basket size - 250 baskets /hour –4500 plates/hour, Ekonomy Pre-wash + hp S wash+ wash+ Dual rinse system - 3 Speeds main switch – Emergency off - Protronic Control - Insulated Cover - Removable dust collection space - Exhaust hood with valve
Hobart Rack Type Dish Washing Machine - CN-L-A-A
Hobart Rack Type Dishwasher,500X500 MM basket size - 260 baskets /hour –4680 plates/hour, hp L Pre-wash + hp S wash+ wash+ L Dual rinse system - 3 Speeds main switch – Emergency off - Protronic Control - Insulated Cover - Removable dust collection space - Exhaust hood with valve
Hobart Rack Type Dish Washing Machine - CN-S-A-A
Hobart Rack Type Dishwasher,500X500 MM basket size - 280 baskets /hour –5040 plates/hour, hp S Pre-wash + hp S wash+ wash+ Dual rinse system - 3 Speeds main switch – Emergency off - Protronic Control - Insulated Cover - Removable dust collection space - Exhaust hood with valve
Hobart Rack Type Dish Washing Machine - CN-E-S-A-A
Hobart Rack Type Dishwasher,500X500 MM basket size - 320 baskets /hour –5760 plates/hour, hp S Pre-wash + hp S wash+ wash+ L Dual rinse system - 3 Speeds main switch – Emergency off - Protronic Control - Insulated Cover - Removable dust collection space - Exhaust hood with valve
Hobart Premium Rack Type Dish Washing Machine With Dryer - CP-L-A
Hobart Rack Type Dishwasher,500X500 MM basket size - 240 baskets /hour –4320 plates/hour, hp L Pre-wash + wash+ triple rinse system - 3 Speeds main switch – Emergency off - Pollution Sensor - Protronic Control - Insulated Cover - Removable dust collection space - Exhaust hood with valve
Hobart Premium Rack Type Dish Washing Machine With Dryer - CP-S-A
Hobart Premium Rack Type Dishwasher with dryer,500X500 MM basket size - 300 baskets /hour – 5400plates/hour, ekonomy Pre-wash + S wash+ wash + triple rinse system + Drying - 3 Speeds main switch – Emergency off - Pollution Sensor - Protronic Control - Insulated Cover - Removable dust collection space - Exhaust hood with ventilator
Hobart Premium Rack Type Dish Washing Machine With Dryer - CP-E-S-A
Hobart Premium Rack Type Dishwasher with dryer,500X500 MM basket size - 320 baskets /hour – 5760plates/hour, hp L Pre-wash + wash + triple rinse system + Drying - 3 Speeds main switch – Emergency off - Pollution Sensor - Protronic Control - Insulated Cover - Removable dust collection space - Exhaust hood with ventilator